Langston Hughes has a different writing style than what we have read so far. He seems to be clear with what he is trying to say. He does not use unnecessary words that confuse most people, or beat around the bush. So far, Hughes may turn out to be one of my favorites. His poetry is direct and is not very hard to understand or figure out what he is trying to say. His poetry has a main topic or theme and that would be talking about the discrimination of black culture. He talks about how it is hard and unfair of how they have been treated.  Hughes’s poem, “Song for a Dark Girl” is straightforward and I believe it means exactly what it says. He talks about a black girl, and how she was hung down in the South. This story could be about one of his friends or even about one of his lovers. In the poem it states, “I asked the white Lord Jesus, What was the use of prayer.” This talks about how no matter what they did the white people were still going to harm them. Plus it takes a deeper meaning that Jesus is white, and does not listen to him when he prays. He is saying that it does no good to pray to a white Jesus because he let his black lover die. Hughes was one of the first poets who spoke out on the discrimination of his people, all he hoped for was that people would listen and take a stand with him.